相片集 鐵路相片 : 英國(大不列顛) : IC125 HST : 分類標籤為『 Class 43 』 共 40 張照片 The preserved HST power c... A GWR HST with trailing C... A GWR HST with trailing C... A GWR HST with trailing C... The "Virgin Trains - Most... A GWR HST with trailing C... The London bound Great We... The northbound Great West... The London bound Great We... The Great Western Railway... The Virgin Trains East Co... Locomotive specification ... The northbound 1D09 servi... The Virgin Trains East Co... First Great Western HST w... First Great Western HST w... A Grand Central HST with ... A Grand Central HST with ... first Great Western Class... first Great Western HST w... First Great Western HST w... First Great Western HST w... A First Great Western HST... The builder's plate of Br... GNER livery HST in London... GNER livery HST in London... First Great Western HST (... First Great Western HST (... GNER livery HST crossing ... A GNER HST (43 039) for A... Virgin HST (right) and No... A First Great Western HST... First Great Western HST (... Virgin Cross Country Clas... Virgin Cross Country Clas... GNER Class 43 at the fron... GNER Class 43 at the fron... A WAGN Class 313 (313 035... First Great Western IC125... Virgin Cross Country Clas... 注意:為保障私隱,二零零八年或以後拍攝的照片,在上載時將盡可能將非必要之人臉模糊處理