相片集 鐵路相片 : 比利時 : 分類標籤為『 電力動車組 EMU 』 共 23 張照片 The London bound 9121 ser... The London bound 9121 ser... The London bound 9121 ser... The SNCB AM80 (400) elect... The SNCB AM80 (400) elect... The interior of the first... The Termonde-bound S3 ser... The UIC identification ma... The ICE 18 service by Deu... The interior of the first... SNCB AM80 (437) EMU... A SNCF TGV-Réseau (4513) ... TGV Thalys PBKA 4307 at p... The marking on the head o... DB ICE 3M 4607 (406 007, ... The second class seating ... DB ICE 3M 4602 (406 002) ... A SNCF TGV-Réseau (4516) ... DB ICE 3M 4602 (406 002) ... TGV Thalys PBKA 4304 at p... SNCB AM66 (642) EMU... SNCB AM80 (435) EMU... SNCB AM75 (844) EMU ready... 注意:為保障私隱,二零零八年或以後拍攝的照片,在上載時將盡可能將非必要之人臉模糊處理