相片集 鐵路相片 : 英國(大不列顛) : 分類標籤為『 蒸汽機車 』 共 67 張照片 The preserved Great Weste... The original Stephenson's... The original Stephenson's... The preserved LNER Class ... The preserved LMS Princes... A close up on the driving... The plaque affixed on the... The preserved LNER Class ... The buffers and screw cou... The footplate of LNER Cla... The replica of Stephenson... The Jacobite service on W... A preserved LMS 2-6-4T st... 2 out of 6 preserved LNER... LNER Class A4 4-6-2 steam... LNER Class A4 4-6-2 4468 ... The coat of arms of Canad... Replica of the 1829 Briti... Replica of the famous 182... Preserved GWR Castle Clas... Preserved British Railway... Preserved British Railway... Highlight of the day in N... 因應博物館活動「China - The Last ... The replica Rocket inside... LNER Class A4 4-6-2 4468 ... LNER Class A4 4-6-2 4468 ... The builder's plate of th... The plaque affixed on the... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1上的鍋爐資料牌... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1上的的駕駛倉... Preserved LNWR G Class 0-... Preserved British Railway... "1968 and all that" event... Preserved LMS Jubliee Cla... Preserved LNER Class Q6 0... Preserved LNER Class K4 2... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1的動輪... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1的駕駛倉... The replica Rocket is run... Steam from the replica Ro... The replica Rocket's name... The replica Rocket is run... A memorial plate on the t... Class A4 4-6-2 4468 Malla... Class A4 4-6-2 4468 Malla... Class A4 4-6-2 4468 Malla... Class A4 4-6-2 4468 Malla... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1... 0-6-0PT GWR 57xx Class No... 1898 built 0-4-0ST No. 13... 4-6-0 GWR Modified Hall C... 0-6-0PT GWR 57xx Class No... the 1829 built steam loco... Class A4 4-6-2 4468 Malla... Class A4 4-6-2 4468 Malla... SR 4-6-2 Battle of Britai... From left to right: expre... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1 (KF1 60... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1 (KF1 60... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1 (KF1 60... 英國1936年製中國蒸汽機車KF1 (KF1 60... GWR 2-6-2T 4144 steam loc... GWR 0-4-2 4866 steam loco... 注意:為保障私隱,二零零八年或以後拍攝的照片,在上載時將盡可能將非必要之人臉模糊處理