相片集 鐵路相片 共 25 張照片,首 4 個分類標籤為: Acela Express(6張) 高速鐵路(6張) 電力機車(2張) PATH(1張) A Silver Line train of Wa... An Orange Line train of W... MBTA's 700 series electri... Interior of the MBTA's 01... MBTA's 01200 series elect... MBTA's 01200 series elect... An Adtranz's Class M-4 tr... Interior of an Adtranz's ... Interior of the Kawasaki ... An Alstom's R160A train f... An Alstom's R160A train f... Interior of the Pullman's... Interior of the Alstom's ... Interior of the Alstom's ... The electronic "FIND" (Fl... An Alstom's R160A train f... The electronic "FIND" (Fl... Interior of the Kawasaki'... The electronic route info... Seat pitch of the busines... Inside the business class... The corridor and disabled... An Amtrak's Acela Express... An Amtrak's Acela Express... A Silver Line train of Wa... 注意:為保障私隱,二零零八年或以後拍攝的照片,在上載時將盡可能將非必要之人臉模糊處理